Hemp Derived CBD

ORO, or gold in Spanish, hints at the obvious- green gold. The ancient, sustainable, plant-based magic that is Hemp has so much potential. The first contact with the hemp plant was in central Asia approximately 12000 years ago, yet our modern day use of Hemp Derived CBD barely scratches the surface of what can be achieved.


Hemp and marijuana come from the same biological genera, but they are very different. True hemp products are legal in all 50 states. Hemp derived CBD is not psychoactive. This means that it does not change the state of mind of the person who uses it. Hemp derived CBD appears to produce significant changes in the body suggesting many medical benefits.

Potential Uses

Treating pain; acute and chronic

Lowering Inflammation; muscle soreness, muscle recovery, joint stiffness

Treating Anxiety Disorders, General Anxiety, OCD, Panic Disorder, PTSD

Treating Addiction - Opioids, Cigarettes

Preventing and reversing tumor growth

Decreasing Seizures; Epilepsy

Slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s

Treating skin issues; eczema, acne, premature aging

*these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA