16 Mar CBD For Chronic Stress and Inflammation

What are you doing to counteract inflammatory stress?
From lack of sleep, to stress, to environmental factors, to diet, your body can, and often does, end up in a state of inflammation.
Inflammation is a normal part of our immune reaction, or natural line of defense but, living in a constant state of subtle, systemic inflammation IS NOT. In fact, CHRONIC INFLAMMATION is the similar root finding in most diseases.
Incorporating practices to counteract this stress is CRUCIAL.
Enter: CBD. Did you know that cannabidiol is adaptogenic, and extremely anti-inflammatory?
An Adaptogen is a natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress, because it supports the adrenal system and helps to regulate bodily processes. A well-known example is ginseng.
Including hemp-derived CBD in your regular diet is shown to significantly lower inflammation and improve healing! Bonus: CBD also has an uplifting effect on mood thanks to lowering Corstisol levels (the stress hormone).
If you would like to try out our Full-Spectrum or ‘The Elixir’ hemp-derived CBD shop our current sale below!!
CLICK >>> OROganics.com/shop<<<

Photo credit: @eatsacrilicious
Want to learn more about cbd? Check out these links:
CLICK HERE >>> Everything you need to know about cbd <<<
CLICK HERE >>> Anxiety Relief Without The High? New Studies On CBD<<<
Posted at 09:59h, 19 MarchThanks for this! Suoer informative and gets me looking at a few things I can change in my daily habits.